Deliver breakthrough products & exceptional customer experiences

When product inspiration strikes, you may wonder: why aren't our competitors doing this yet? Just ask your team. Innovation puts pressure on teams already at capacity just delivering on basic business requirements. I bring the systemic approach and niche expertise necessary to launch your best ideas, so you can meet your customers' needs ahead of the market.

More breakthroughs, less roadblocks

To stay competitive, leaders have to think beyond the next breakthrough—and keep the hits coming. I specialize in unblocking teams and unlocking success at the five most common sticking points in the innovation cycle:

1. Product ideation and development. Even product development that starts with a clear vision can get clouded by day-to-day churn—resulting in delays, glitches, and budget overruns. To dodge these common pitfalls, try my proven collaborative approach: first validate assumptions, align stakeholders around desired outcomes, then pursue targeted solutions to meet clear needs and regulatory compliance requirements.

2. AI & ML. The potential of AI and ML is vast, and evolving rapidly. So how do you decide which business challenges can be solved with generative AI, and which machine language models are fit for purpose? We'll begin by assessing the problems you're facing, then evaluate the most suitable AI and ML solutions to achieve your goals. The technology you choose should serve your needs, not the other way around. 

3. Sales support with industry expertise. Industry sales teams, technologists, and life scientists share a common goal: meeting and anticipating the needs of customers and end users. But in our daily work, we speak different professional languages. To align cross-functional teams for success, you need an interdisciplinary translator. With a deep understanding of medtech, healthcare, life sciences, and technology, I can help teams communicate—and craft compelling sales narratives that accurately capture your offering's unique benefits. 

4. Digital transformation. Slow legacy systems, inaccessible data silos, and process bottlenecks indicate an urgent need for digital transformation. Many digital transformation efforts begin with data transfer— but I start with the people. Once we understand the organization's unique culture, we can develop a change management strategy that engages teams and addresses acute pain points. Together we can build a futureproof digital workplace that integrates disparate data sources, legacy systems, cybersecurity safeguards and regulatory requirements—all while centering teams and the customers we serve.

5. Voice of customer or user. Even promising products can miss the mark without strategic research to pinpoint customer needs and user priorities. I'll help your team collect insights and communicate them with compelling data visualizations, revealing hidden opportunities and bridging the gap between what you currently offer and what they truly desire. Then we'll transform insights into actionable strategies, ensuring your product resonates and stands out  in the market.

My 3 trade secrets to sustain success 

Intrigued? I thrive on turning complex challenges into elegant solutions. By uniting your team and customers, we'll spark a wave of innovation that drives real results and leaves a lasting impact.

  • Start with a tangible problem, not a technology upsell. Let's collaborate to transform your aspirations into tangible results, not just technical promises.

  • Empower your team, users and customers to become co-creators of your product's success. Unite key players into  a powerful, undeniable  force that amplifies your product and wins over  the market.

  • Listen for what resonates. Listen closely to the voices of your customers, users, and subject matter experts—including the skeptics. Their insights are the key to unlocking innovation, ensuring compliance, and driving adoption.

Ready to create amazing experiences for your customers? As an innovation consultant with a successful 20-year track record, I've made it my business to  listen, collaborate, and help teams reach their full potential. Let's connect and discover new possibilities together.

Book a free consultation (30 minutes).